Trisha Gaite
2 min readJan 31, 2021


Photo By: Stephanie Wilson


Citizen Journalism By Paul Lewis

  • True journalism lies in the people, the beating heart that seeks change and justice. The words and pictures we share, anything that exhibits the core of democracy and trials of our country, will uphold the once broken system. Anyone can be a journalist because everyone participates in society; it shows how vital people’s voice is when speaking the truth. All we need is to care and share what we know.
  • At this age, where our battlefields become greater, pen and paper are not the only pistols we need; we have the technology to aid us. These past months were rough for everyone; the killing of the mother and son from Paniqui became a wake-up call for Filipinos to George Floyd for racing awareness for racism. The video of both killings was a potent weapon against misinformation from people with ill intentions. Likewise, in the video Mr. Lewis showed, a bystander captured Ian Tomlinson’s death, which was shared across the globe using Twitter. The act of sharing these kinds of materials is made easy by the continuous flow of information by the Internet; social media created an impact for every citizen to share their own stories and witnesses, which before is unattainable. I am now much motivated to pursue journalism and share information that can change the world and share awareness and consciousness among people because they also can change the world.
  • WE HAVE EYES TO SEEK AND MOUTHS TO SPEAK; WHY NOT FIGHT FOR THE WEAK? The act of sharing can reach thousands of people, for all those who question the motive behind our clamor and those who throw non-sense, “Anong ambag mo?” THIS IS OUR PARTICIPATION, the spread of information to fight injustice is stronger when connected.

“ If you encounter something that you believe is problematic, that disturbs you, that concerns you, an injustice of some kind, something that just doesn’t feel quite right, then why not witness it, record it and share it? That process of witnessing, recording, and sharing is journalism.”

Photo By: Femmestella



Trisha Gaite

A travel wanderer who writes stories from culture to society, creating awareness for a better world.